
A minimalist design online scrapbook for me to consolidate interesting stuff I find on the web.

Monday, March 29, 2010


Study is hard only when we are not learning in the right way. Use ART OF STUDY for smart and effective study.

Active learning: generate questions, takes notes in your own words, summarise, etc.

Review the materials regularly to remember what you have learnt. For lecture notes, review immediately after the lesson or on the same day to consolidate memory.

Tackle difficult subjects by looking for an easier textbook and do not put them off. You may even have to read a junior college textbook if the problem lies with your foundation.

Organise yourself – Organise your time, study space and the materials you have learnt so that you can study more effectively.

Focus on what you are studying. This requires you to direct your attention and energy to what you are studying. Focusing helps you to absorb the information and aid your memory.

Set goals – Set both your academic and personal goals. During study time, set the goals you want to accomplish for the specific study period.

Teach someone or an imaginary person what you have studied. This helps you to evaluate your understanding of the subject matter and remember better.

Use spaced repetition. Spaced repetition means that the reviews are spread out and that the intervals between each review gets longer and longer. For example, instead of studying Lecture 1 of Chemistry three or four times in one go, spread them out by studying it once on Monday, then again on Tuesday to consolidate the memory, the next review can be a week after that and so on.

Develop a positive attitude toward study by looking for areas where you can inject interest in and seeing it as an important step toward achieving your long-term goal.

You are the one who can make the difference, so understand yourself – your learning style, motivation, goals - and learn to manage your time, feelings, and desires.

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